Monday, April 24, 2006

this afternoon

here is how my day was supposed to go: after meeting some classmates to work on a project, i would swing by the insurance place to make a payment and then go to Target to buy some sunglasses identical to the ones i lost on the wild, drunken night we call the Staind show. then, i'd be home in time to kick back and watch The Godfather pt. II before heading to the gym.

here's how it really went: after meeting my classmates, i head to the insurance place where a dumb ass bitch keys my credit card in wrong. then, she tells me it's declined. so i tell her to keep doing it, and she does. but still no go. so i tell her it's their new credit card system and to keep trying or call Discover because i can't keep coming back until they get their shit together. (in case you haven't noticed, i'm the meanest, grouchiest person alive, and i know it's not a credit issue because i have more credit on my two cards than most Americans will ever have in their lifetime.) this process continues for about 45 minutes. i finally get fed up and call Discover myself where i am told by a competent person that the insurance place isn't even contacting them so it must be the new credit card system. (isn't that the same thing i'd been telling the insurance whore the entire time?) so she calls another department where she tries to tell me that i gave her the wrong address. i wryly let her know that i'm aware of where i live so it's correct address. after about 20 more minutes she finds out from her superiors (and i use that term loosely) that since they switched to the new credit card system, they no longer take Discover. wtf? i just wasted a freaking hour and a half of my precious time to be told this news now? apparently. so i tell her i'll be taking my business elsewhere because, unlike b.h., i don't believe in carrying cash or a checkbook. so now she tells me that my cars aren't covered anyway because i'm late on my payment. i inform her that i always pay that payment about 7 days late, and i know there is a grace period. she tells me there is not. luckily, i ran into the supervisor outside, and we had a nice chat about the dumbass he had working for him. i've been thinking of switching to the gecko anyway because he does the robot dance and this little event just reinforced my desire.

then, i head to Target where i cannot find brown sunglasses in the colossal size. there are black ones in colossal, but the brown are only in semi-colossal. what to do? after mulling it over for a long time, i went with the smaller brown ones. i will have to try them on and stare at myself in the mirror for a few hours before i commit. i may go back and exchange them for the black ones that have lenses the size of dinner plates. i thought of buying myself a giant Symphony bar as a way to soothe my grouchy mood, but after remembering that my mini skirt was a little snug this past weekend, i didn't.

can you spot the differences in the two scenes?

*right as i finished typing this post, the supervisor from the insurance place called me. he has smoothed everything out, and is kissing my ass for their shoddy customer service. i will probably still switch to the gecko this summer because i think the little lizard's kind of cute.


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