Friday, May 05, 2006

Milton, you blind bastard

well i got up at five this morning in order to go take my Milton exam at the butt crack of dawn. needless to say, i'm sure i did well, but i don't think it was an A test. it was too early in the morning to write essays, recognize and discuss spot quotations, and analyze sonnets. most of us arrived early with a couple of people showing up during the first five minutes. (we can cut them some slack since it was drizzly and cold and an ungodly hour.) but one dude showed up with only one hour remaining. i wonder why he even bothered. there's no way he finished more than one essay. i would have just skipped altogether if i was him...which thankfully i'm not. i pride myself on being the overachiever that i am. another girl's phone kept ringing. apparently she doesn't know how to use the off button on the damn thing. i was sitting next to her, and i almost stabbed her in the leg with my pen. and one guy had a weird, hacking, wet cough. i'm sure i have tuberculosis now along with the rest of the class. okay. i'm done venting. must get sleep.


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