no shame
i know i can't sing, and i don't attempt to fool myself into thinking that i can. i also try not to bust bitter half's ear drums by singing loudly at home or within ear damage range. so where is the perfect place for me to belt out tunes like i'm the next American Idol reject? my car, of course. so today, on the way to class bright and shiny early, i turn on the radio (which is rare for me here in Lubbock since, as i've mentioned before, everything in Lubbock sucks.) right then, i heard a veritable blast from the past. so i'm singing Lil Troy's Wanna Be a Baller complete with fake mike and flamboyant thug gestures. i'm not the type of person who cares that other drivers are pointing and laughing because i know that they secretly desire my personal freedom. ahhhh. life is good.
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