homework vs. American Idol
American Idol starts today. the tryouts are arguably the best part of the entire show because people with inner ear problems are encouraged to participate. these inner ear problems cause these people to dance as if they suffer from severe vertigo. this disorder also causes the notes that escape their throats to magically transform to melodious masterpieces to no one but them. the blunt and acerbic comments provided by the judging panels are equally entertaining. the cherry on top is the violent outbursts resulting from these critiques. talk about great television! now, the first half of these tryouts takes place while i'm at work so i will just shirk my responsibilities as usual in order to point and laugh. after work, however, i'm supposed to go home and begin two 3 inch thick books for tomorrow's classes. on one hand i've got buffoons making fools of themselves on national TV, and on the other hand i've got print the size of a nanite informing me about Milton. i wonder which one i'll end up doing.
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