i would give anything for...
a neck rub right now. seriously. a serial killer could come to my door right now and offer me one, and i'd fucking take it. i've been stressed because something has been weighing on my mind lately, and it's causing my shoulders to kink up. i resemble the hunchback of Notre Dame. and my hump keeps switching sides...
Funny, you strike me as somebody that doesn't let things get to them, or doesnt give a damn. That's what I see.
fuck you.
I rest my case
my bad, was your anonymous comment supposed to get to me? because it didn't. i'll tell you what does get to me, though, and that's when people who are supposed to be my friends bail on me when i need them them most because they're selfish, egotistical bastards.
talk abt bailing on somebody, i see you stayed there after i left. WOW. in your own words. FUCK YOU!!!
drunk bastard!
yes I was.... not too crazy about the bastard part though........
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