Friday, November 07, 2008

free day

i took the day off of work because i had a lot of overtime and because it was a long week. i did something that i never do. i went back and re-read my blog posts from this past year. it's easy to see that it was a difficult year for many reasons, but the summer in particular was a difficult one. looking back, i realized that i really went through a lot. i'm surprised i'm not curled in a fetal position crying for Mom.

with that being said, i still have some difficult things to deal with in my near future, but i think that, if i survived all of the things from this summer, i can survive the small obstacles currently in my path.

for today, though, the biggest challenge will be what eyeshadow to wear tonight. i'm taking it easy. i'm not even going to think about how i'm already 10,000 words behind on my NaNoWriMo...


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