Monday, December 19, 2005

men are dumb, and i can prove it.

am i a man-hater, you ask? why, no. not yet anyway. but i read an article that confirms my suspicions. it doesn't technically say that men are feeble minded inferiors, but it should. according to those rascally Canadians in Talfourd Creek, the gargantuan amounts of pollution in the environment are wreaking havoc on the residents. looks like the girl to boy ratio in this wasteland is askew. girls are popping out of mothers at an unusually high rate of 2 girls to every 1 boy. (the normal ratio is generally 1:1.) of course i wouldn't say that 'natural' selection is weeding out the weaker sex but more like technological selection. sure looks like the more men pollute our world, the more they seal their fate. can't say i'll miss 'em, really. if you want to read the entire informative article, you can find it here. i don't recommend men attempt to comprehend its complex statistics and language. take it from us girls. your fate is doomed!!!


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