Saturday, November 26, 2005


i have a sleep phobia- somniphobia. strangely, it comes and goes. i am currently in a phobic phase.

i harbor a secret urge to run in a marathon. apparently, attending Texas Tech on a daily basis is not enough torture for me.

i can play the bass and the violin, and the smell of bow rosin makes me want to strangle everyone who doesn't think Mozart was a superhero.

i love words. Emile M. Cioran said that 'we die in proportion to the words we fling around us.' i'll be dying in a whirlpool of profanity, sloths, and ridiculousness.

i will sometimes watch the same movie repeatedly for days on end. there is absolutely no rational explanation for this behavior.

if i was going to live on an island and could only take one item of clothing, i'd take a good pair of sunglasses. in fact, i refuse to leave my house without them.

in my opinion, Al Pacino's performance in The Godfather part II is the only example of perfect acting that i have ever had the pleasure of feasting my ojo-balls on.

i hate typewritten capital letters. they think they're so much better than their lowercase counterparts and sit smugly towering over them. i use them begrudgingly.


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