Thursday, November 17, 2005

some thoughts

i just went to Wal-greens because they always have everything i need. i'm holding merchandise in one hand and scanning the back of a book (trying to fool myself into the fact that i actually have time to read one right now) when some chick walks into the store. she walks right by me, stops, and turns to ask me if i work there. not only am i clearly shopping, but i'm wearing a coat and holding a purse. normally, i'm pretty cordial with strangers, but i wasn't in the mood. i rolled my eyes and said no. she proceeded to wander down the aisle talking very loudly about how she needed help finding something. my guess was that she was too idiotic to distinguish between another customer and an actual employee so her loud comments were a feeble effort to cause an employee to offer assistance.

is anyone as excited about the movie Walk the Line as i am? i'm not a big Johnny Cash fan, but i absolutely love Joaquin Phoenix. i read how Roger Ebert has already screened the movie. he was positive Johnny Cash was singing the music, but it turns out Joaquin Phoenix did all the vocals! he's so talented.

i'm a huge ER fan, but now that hottie Noah Wylie is gone, i was worried i'd have to ditch the show. however, John Leguizamo has joined the cast as a long term guest star, and his character is a total smartass. (smartasses, unlike dumbasses, are awesome.) i'm going to keep watching.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles isn't as bad as i remember it. maybe i'm more bitter and hateful now than i used to be in high school, and the depressing nature of the novel suits me.


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