Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the big to doo doo list

i have approximately a billion things i need to do this month, and i'm having trouble keeping track so i'm generating a list.

1. April 4th- panic because i know there is something very important to be done on this day. then, realize the panic was probably unwarranted so go get a pack of mini donuts from the work vending machine as consolation for the negative emotions.

2. April 6th- register for some more boring classes. choose ones that are close together and late in the day in order to encourage laziness...even if they have nothing to do with either of my majors.

3. April 7th- get up early to buy tickets to yet another NIN show. use money allocated for bills and make a mental note to buy candles for when the electricity gets turned off.

4. April 11th- call the parental units and congratulate them on 36 years of marital blisters.

5. April 13th- due date for paper so i'd better go ahead and start on it.

6. April 14th- due date for major thesis paper over Paradise Lost so i'd better start reading it.

7. April 15th- drive by the nearest post office and laugh at the buffoons scrambling to get their taxes done on time while i bask in my (once in a lifetime) early worm glory.

8. sometime in April- file an intent to graduate since Texas Tech officials won't know i intend to graduate unless i specifically tell them. they may think i'm just attending in order to find good blog fodder for my own personal amusement.

9. sometime in April- post list of May goals by copying and pasting April's goals all over again since i have no intention of actually working to achieve them this month.

i think that list covers everything for now. i may add some more later as i think of more important tasks.


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